Medieval Cookbook


Lady Margaret Stafford is the Medieval Combat Society's go-to cook and mistress of the kitchen. At selected events she provides the group with an authentic meal both to keep the group fed and morale high and also to provide a demonstration of medieval cookery for the viewing public.

She has been cooking for over 16 years. It is something that she enjoys doing particularly with the variety this allows. As a qualified chef, the interest of cooking was already there and when joining the society she wanted to find out more about medieval food and cooking.

Using the information gained from attending numerous medieval food related courses, she ensures that the techniques that she has learnt in cooking medieval food as much as possible in this modern world, are authentic and true to the 14th century. The recipes are sourced mostly from books such as “The Forme of Cury: A Roll of Ancient English Cookery Compiled” by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

The methods of medieval cooking, what the cook wore and what equipment they had back then, has been researched and the result ensures the cooking demonstration is authentic. The medieval kitchen set up includes fire pits, cauldrons, kitchen utensils, chopping boards etc. These demonstrations range from skinning a rabbit to filleting a fish. People are always surprised as they don't often see whole rabbits or fish in this modern convenience food world. She is always looking for new recipes to try and finding out what food they had back then and how they kept the food to keep it fresh.


Beef Bokenade
Boor in Brasey
Bouce Jane
Charlet Counterfeited of Fish
Charlet Forced
Chykenes in Gravey
Gees in Hoggepot
Hericot de Mouton
Mange Moleynne
Pygges in Sawse Sawge
Roo Broth
Rys in Almond Milk
Spyced Creme of Muskels


Come back soon to see more recipies!