Banquets, weddings and special occasions

As a society we can offer an authentic experience in the form of a medieval banqueting themed event. We can set up a top table for honoured guests with Edward III and his entourage. Knights and ladies will be in attendance and will encourage guests to feast, dance and make merry. Entertainment in the form of knights fighting and ladies dancing can be offered. The banquet will be conducted with marshals overseeing the guests’ behaviour and inevitably a scripted medieval brawl will occur to help entertain your guests.



As a member of the society, you can join in when we hold our own banquet at the start of every season to celebrate and reward members for the previous season's hard work. This weekend long event includes a selection of entertainments, games and distractions including archery and combat tournaments. The banquet itself includes live entertainment such as musicians and storytellers like Clare Goodall and Chantelle Smith. During the evening, MCS knights are created, membership of the Order of the Garter of the Medieval Combat Society and other awards of status and achievement will be presented between removes. This is a special time for the society as we celebrate events in the lives of our members and generally a good time is had by all. In this we continue the bonding as a team that brings out the best in our members. To find out more about the venues we have used, check out this page.