MCS Banquets over the years!

From castle to village hall, the MCS yearly banquet is a time of celebration. It's not just about putting in events for clients. There is an active social side to the society as well. Looks fun? Want to join? We are always looking for new members.


2006-2009 saw the society at Hanworth Village Hall. The society was entertained by medieval dancing as displayed by the guests at this banquet. A great chance to practice for the season ahead. Headstone Manor in 2011 had a great atmosphere which is so important and here it has been enhanced with all the banners and accompanying decorations to give that medieval look.


The locations change but the overall pageantry remains. Note the kings banner at the head of the table. The use of wood plates and spoons helps set the scene. This was St Briavels Castle in 2012.
A main part of the preparation for the banquet is the setting the scene. Whenever possible the society uses authentic venues and of course the use of candlelight gives a more authentic feel to the event, as seen here at Milden in 2013.
It's not just the banquet, the whole weekend is full of competitions, displays and activites. This year there were birds of prey when we returned to Milden in 2014. And again in Lewes in 2019. There was a wide range of birds that medieval people used to train and use to hunt, including the gyrfalcon, goshawk, and sparrowhawk. A common bird for ladies to hunt with was the peregrine falcon.

The tradition of wassailing comes from when the Lord of the Manor would give food and drink to the peasants in exchange for their blessing and goodwill. We continue this tradition at our banquets with mead. Bradwell 2018